Water Soluble Calcium Phosphate - WCP
Materials: Animal Bones (cow, pig, lamb, fish), Brown Rice Vinegar, Container, Cloth
Use boiled bones without meat and fat
OUTSIDE, burn bones at low temperature. Bones turn to charcoal
Once bones are fully charred, lightly crush
Use 1:10 ratio for charred bones to BRV
Fill container 2/3 full BRV, Add bones and cover with cloth
Mixture will bubble. Keep in cool dark place ~ 68 F
7-10 days reaction complete when bubbles stop
Strain off WCP into clean container; Keep in cool, dark place
Add remaining charred bones to compost
Personal Note: I have made this using left over soup bones that I made bone broth with in my slow cooker on Low temperature over a period of days. The bones naturally get soft and are able to be easily crushed without burning outside.
Use: Basic Dilution rate 1/1000 in water or about 1/2 TBS per 5 gallon water
Materials: Animal Bones (cow, pig, lamb, fish), Brown Rice Vinegar, Container, Cloth
Use boiled bones without meat and fat
OUTSIDE, burn bones at low temperature. Bones turn to charcoal
Once bones are fully charred, lightly crush
Use 1:10 ratio for charred bones to BRV
Fill container 2/3 full BRV, Add bones and cover with cloth
Mixture will bubble. Keep in cool dark place ~ 68 F
7-10 days reaction complete when bubbles stop
Strain off WCP into clean container; Keep in cool, dark place
Add remaining charred bones to compost
Personal Note: I have made this using left over soup bones that I made bone broth with in my slow cooker on Low temperature over a period of days. The bones naturally get soft and are able to be easily crushed without burning outside.
Use: Basic Dilution rate 1/1000 in water or about 1/2 TBS per 5 gallon water