Water Soluble Calcium - WCA
Materials: Eggshells (or Oyster Shells), Brown Rice Vinegar, Container, Cloth
Warm skillet to light heat
Break eggshells into pan
Roast until yellowish shell membrane is removed, color becomes whiter
Use 1:1 ratio, Eggshells:BRV
Fill container 2/3 full BRV, Add Eggshells and cover with cloth
Mixture will bubble. Keep in cool, dark place ~68 F
7-10 days reaction complete when bubbles stop
Strain off WCa into clean container; Keep in cool, dark place
Add remaining eggshells to compost
Use: Basic dilution 1/1000 in water (about 1/2 TBS in 5 gallons H2O)
Materials: Eggshells (or Oyster Shells), Brown Rice Vinegar, Container, Cloth
Warm skillet to light heat
Break eggshells into pan
Roast until yellowish shell membrane is removed, color becomes whiter
Use 1:1 ratio, Eggshells:BRV
Fill container 2/3 full BRV, Add Eggshells and cover with cloth
Mixture will bubble. Keep in cool, dark place ~68 F
7-10 days reaction complete when bubbles stop
Strain off WCa into clean container; Keep in cool, dark place
Add remaining eggshells to compost
Use: Basic dilution 1/1000 in water (about 1/2 TBS in 5 gallons H2O)